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Απονομήτουανώτατου τιμητικού τίτλου «Cavaliere della Stella d’ Italia» (Knight of the Order of the Italian Star) στονΙατρόΔραΠέτρο Κατσιολούδη εκ μέρους του Προέδρου της Ιταλικής Δημοκρατίας κ.κ. GiorgioNapolitano
Πραγματοποιήθηκε η παρασημοφόρηση του Ιατρού Δρος Πέτρου Κατσιολούδη, με τον τίτλο του «Cavalieredella Stella d’ Italia» εκ μέρους της Ιταλικής Δημοκρατίας (Ιππότη του Τάγματος του Αστέρα της Ιταλίας).
Η τελετή έλαβε μέρος στην οικία του Πρέσβη της Ιταλίας στην Κύπρο, κ.κ. GuidoCerboni, στις 3.7.2014 και ώρα 7.00.μμ, στη παρουσία της οικογένειας, των φίλων, συναδέλφων και άλλων αξιωματούχων.
Ο Ανώτατος Τίτλος έχει προσφερθεί στο Δρ. Πέτρο Κατσιολούδη εκ μέρους του Πρόεδρου της Ιταλικής Δημοκρατίας κ.κ. GiorgioNapolitanoλόγω της πολυετούς προσφοράς του στον τομέα ανθρωπιστικών και πολιτιστικών δρώμενων της Ιταλίας, την ενδυνάμωση των δεσμών μεταξύ Κύπρου και Ιταλίας, της αφοσίωσης και της αγάπης προς την Χώρα στην οποία ολοκλήρωσε τις σπουδές του στην Ιατρική (Πανεπιστήμιο Ρώμης «La Sapienza»), του σεβασμού και της εκτίμησης που χαίρει από την Κυπριακή Κοινωνία, την προώθηση της Ιταλικής Γλώσσας και Κουλτούρας στην Κύπρο και ιδιαίτερα λόγω της συμβολής του στη Ιατρική Επιστήμη και Ιατρικά Δρώμενα.
Speech of the Italian ambassador at the ceremony of the bestowing of the title of the ‘’Order of the Knight of the Star of Italy to Dr Petros Katsioloudes’’
It is a great pleasure for me and Caterina to welcome you tonight for a very special occasion, as we have gathered here this evening to bestow on Dr. Petros Katsioloudes the insignia of “Knight of the Order of the Italian Star” (Cavaliere dell’Ordine della Stella Italiana”).
You all know much better than me Dr. Petros Katsioloudes, his human and intellectual qualities, his generosity, his passion for photography, which is an artistic expression of his love for humanity, for life and natural environment. Allow me, therefore, to focus on the reasons that make Dr Katsioloudes a special, valuable friend for Italy and for all the Italians in Cyprus, including my Family.
After his degree in Medicine and Surgery at one of the most prestigious Italian Universities, “La Sapienza” of Rome, Dr. Katsioloudes has maintained close relations with Italian medical and scientific institutions, promoting collaboration programs between Italy and Cyprus in the field of health. Over the years, Dr. Katsioloudes has become a point of reference for the Embassy in the medical field, being always very helpful in advising and guiding the Italians living in Cyprus for their medical assistance needs.
Plato said that “The greatest mistake in the treatment of diseases is that there are physicians for the body and physicians for the soul, although the two cannot be separated”. Well, this is not the case of our Friend. Indeed, from his period of studies in Italy, Dr. Katsioloudes has brought back not only excellent professional skills, but also a deep knowledge of the Italian language and culture as well as a typically Italian way of interpreting the medical profession, that pays a special attention also to the patients’ psyche.
Dear Petros,
for your contribution to the promotion of cooperation between Italy and Cyprus in the medical field, and in particular regarding the infectious diseases, viral hepatitis and liver transplants, for your generous availability in providing medical advice and treatment to the Italians living in Cyprus, the President of the Italian Republic, H.E. Giorgio Napolitano, has decided to confer upon you the honor of "Cavaliere della Stella d'Italia", "Knight of the Star of Italy”. This National Order was founded in 1947 by the first President of the newly established Republic of Italy. It represents a particular honour for all those who have acquired special merits in the promotion of friendly relations and cooperation between Italy and other Countries.
Considering your belonging to the Maronite Community and reminding that you come from a beautiful corner of this wonderful island, the village of Karpasha, to whom we feel very close, this decoration is also a tribute to the resilience, the sacrifices and the heroic efforts of your people in safeguarding your religious and cultural identity under very difficult circumstances. Now, it is for me a great privilege and pleasure, on behalf of the President of the Italian Republic, Giorgio Napolitano, to bestow upon you the insignia of “Knight of the Order of the Star of Italy”, in recognition of your exemplary commitment to Italian-Cypriot cooperation and friendship. Congratulations!
Nicosia, 3rd July 2014
Reply to the Ambassador of Italy H.E. Mr. Guido Cerboni
Sua Eccellenza Ambasciatore d’ Italia a Cipro, Gentili ospiti, Cari amici, Cari familiari,
mi sento veramente e profondamente commosso per questo inaspettato onore, per questo enorme riconoscimento nei miei confronti, da parte di un paese che in verita’, considero la mia seconda casa, la mia seconda patria: l’ Italia.
Per prima, vorrei esprimere dal profondo del cuore, un enorme ringraziamento, alla Sua Eccellenza, il Presidente d’ Italia, Signor Giorgio Napolitano, per il conferimento del ‘’Titolo di Cavaliere della Stella d’ Italia’’.
Inoltre, vorrei estendere, un profondo ringraziamento alla Sua Eccellenza, l’ Ambasciatore d’ Italia a Cipro, Signor Guido Cerboni e tramite lui, vorrei ringraziare la Repubblica d’ Italia, un paese che mi ha accolto, ospitato e offerto accesso alla Sua Stimatissima Universita’ di Roma, ‘’La Sapienza’’.
In questa Universita’, ho acquisito una profonda conoscenza nelle Scienze Mediche, la quale conoscenza mi ha permesso, di percorrere il mio cammino professionale, sociale e culturale con principi sani e con rispetto.
L’ Italia, mi ha offerto accesso alla sua cultura, ai suoi paesaggi, ai suoi monumenti, al cuore del suo popolo. Mi ha acceso un grande fuoco, mi ha indotto una incontrollabile passione, un delirio per l’ arte italiana, per la letteratura e per la gente d’Italia.
All’ inizio Italia, eri un termine astratto, un paese che mi ha semplicemente ospitato. Adesso non piu: sei diventata mia patria, mia seconda patria. Ho amato l’ Italia, amo l’ Italia, amero’ per sempre l’ Italia.
Il mio cammino, il mio percorso, in questo paese delle meraviglie, mi ha portato fino a qui, fino ad oggi, di fronte a voi, in questo palco, di fronte a questo grande riconoscimento.
Le caratteristiche dei nostri popoli, della nostra cultura e il nostro modo di vivere, sono simili. Siamo, come si suol dire, ‘’una faccia, una razza’’. Cipro e Italia sono paesi del Sole, sono paesi del mare Mediterraneo. Dividono gli stessi valori, gli stessi principi, le stesse visioni, la stessa cultura, la stessa grandezza e bonta’ dell’ animo. Prometto, solennemente, che continuero’ a promuovere e rinforzare ogni tipo di legame e collaborazione, che rispetti questi valori, questi principi.
Un profondo e cordialissimo ringraziamento, alla Signora Cerboni, la quale con estrema cura e amore, ha preparato questo magnifico ricevimento. Un profondo ringraziamento, a tutta la famiglia Cerboni per avermi offerto la loro amicizia, incluso loro figlio, Filippo.
Concludendo, vorrei esprimere di nuovo: Grazie Sua Eccellenza, Presidente d’ Italia, Giorgio Napolitano, Grazie Sua Eccellenza, Ambasciatore d’ Italia a Cipro, Guido Cerboni, Grazie Italia per l’ uomo che mi avete fatto diventare.
Viva l’ Italia, Viva Cipro!